Visa and Red Bull Formula One Teams Global Partnership
About the global sponsorship
In this groundbreaking partnership, Visa becomes the first title sponsor of Visa Cash App RB Formula One Team, corresponding title sponsorship on the F1 Academy team entry and official partner of Oracle Red Bull Racing Team.

Championing equality in motorsports with F1 Academy
Women, like racer Amna Al Qubaisi, are accelerating the sport forward as part of the F1 Academy series, an all-female driving team.
Racing and sustainability
Visa Cash App RB and Oracle Red Bull Racing are focused on reducing the environmental impact of motorsports. Energy produced from some of these sustainability initiatives will flow back into production where the racing cars are built.
Unveiling a brand-new look
As the title sponsor of the Visa Cash App RB Formula One team, Visa brings a bold new look to the 2024 team car as well as the Visa Cash App RB F1 Academy car. The Visa logo also newly appears on the nose of the Oracle Red Bull Racing car.
Unveiling of the Oracle Red Bull Racing car livery
Racing into the future
Visa is committed to propelling both Red Bull teams to excellence and connecting fans with their favorite drivers. The Visa Cash App RB drivers sport a newly designed car livery and driver’s kit during the F1 2024 racing series.

- LinkedIn. Visa Cash App RB F1 Team post, May 2024. Retrieved from
https://www.linkedin.com/posts/visacashapprb_our-teams-commitment-to-environmental-sustainability-activity-7185600509804769280-iItr/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop - Oracle Red Bull Racing. Sustainability. Retrieved September 2024 from third paragraph