Enhance efficiency and control in government spending

Effective payment processes are an integral component in spending public funds efficiently, transparently and responsibly. Digital payment solutions can help governments to control costs, simplify transactions and capture actionable spending insights from payments data.

Streamline government spending with digital payment and expense management solutions

Governments can address the challenges of legacy payment methods with modern payment solutions.

Legacy challenges

Traditional spending methods can often rely on inefficient manual and paper-based processes, which can delay payments for suppliers and limit transparency due to a lack of quality data.

Digital payment solutions can help

Digitalization can enable time and resource efficiencies, simplify processes for government staff and suppliers, and support program optimization with enhanced visibility and controls.

Governments worldwide are digitally transforming public spending

See how government innovators are using digital payment solutions and platforms to streamline spending processes, simplify user experiences and help drive economic opportunity.

Government employee expense solutions

Traditional ways of managing government employee expenses, such as per diems and reimbursements for out-of-pocket spending, can create a burden for both administrators and employees. With Visa Travel & Entertainment (T&E) expense solutions, governments can simplify spending and reporting, while enabling enhanced oversight and spending controls.

Public purchasing solutions

Governments can simplify the process for smaller value and ad hoc purchases, to help unlock spending efficiencies and productivity gains, and can help to open government spending to a broader range of suppliers.

Program management solutions

Governments can further their purchasing and T&E programs with a range of companion solutions from Visa, helping them to gain visibility and insights from detailed spending reports, ensure policy compliance, and effectively manage both spending and supplier relations.

Government solutions around the world

Find Visa Government Solutions information and resources in your local region and language.

Streamline public payments and expense management

Solutions may not be available in all regions. Check with your issuer or Visa representative for more details.

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